(according to the astrology of her natal chart)
I hope you have enjoyed following the analysis of Kamala Harris’s birth chart! Would you like to learn to read your own chart or your family’s? Just sign up for my beginners course which begins at the end of August! There is also a Sunday course available for those who have less time weekdays.

This is a summary of my analysis of Kamala Harris’s astrological natal chart.
Kamala Harris appears youthful, active and communicative. She enjoys connecting with others and is always looking for harmony with others, caring for those less fortunate than herself. Although deep down she may lack confidence, the support she attracts from others strengthens her emotional stability. This animated speaker has excellent communication skills, but also very strong opinions especially regarding humanity and ethics. Harris’s air of authority and ability to express herself without offending others, gives her the audience she needs to fulfill her goals in life. This lady plans to manifest her dreams into reality!
With so much passion, Harris may seem impatient at times and may even take things too personally. But she is not one to brood. She will get up, brush herself down and move on to the next task at hand. Perhaps in this short pause she will consider listening to the voices of others, more than her own.
Harris does not seek the lime-light – it is presented to her by the universe. She has earned good karma in this lifetime. Luck is on Kamala’s side. However, goals will not be attained early in life. Thankfully, she is a hard worker who takes her responsibilities seriously. With her probing intellectual mind, she needs to get to the core of all issues and will leave no stone unturned. Harris will overcome any challenges and attain success with time. She will also go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of others.
Her competitive nature is based on her confrontational internal struggles. Energy fluctuates reflecting her emotional stability. She has a simultaneous need for independence and also needs to be able to depend on others. This can affect her vitality – both physical and emotional.
Interested in learning astrology? Let me know! info@anuvindanti.com or just write a comment below. Online beginners’ courses will start in late August/beginning of September. Participants will have the option to have their natal charts analyzed within the group should they choose to.