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Part Four - Who is Kamala Harris?

(according to the astrology of her natal chart)

This is the fourth part of my analysis of Kamala Harris’s astrological natal chart. If you are interested in learning astrology basics or wish to learn about your own chart, sign up for my online beginner’s course. (See below.)

In Part One we looked at Harris’s Sun and Asc and in Part Two we considered the connections these points make in her Natal Chart. In Part Three the connections with Mercury, Saturn, the North Node and her natal Moon were described. Part Four is about her MC.

What does MC mean I hear you ask? This is also called the Midheaven or the Medium Coeli – it is the highest point any planet can reach in the middle of the sky at the time of your birth. The MC represents a person’s reputation, status, social standing and achievements. It is your public persona.

Harris’s MC is at 2 degrees of Pisces (♓) in her 10th House. This person will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of others. Pisceans just seem to know what everyone needs. Harris’s career needs to involve caring for others to fulfill her professional career.

When the MC is also forming a positive connection to the Sun, as in Harris’s chart, this indicates a charismatic, confident person who wants to experience life to the fullest. Often this connection shows great fortune in life.

A few other points I would like to draw your attention to are two challenging connections in Harris’s chart. First, there is a conflicting connection between Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter (♃) represents wisdom and growth while Saturn (see Part Two) represents restrictions and a slow pace. Harris needs to balance these contradictory energies. Secondly, with Saturn making a challenging connection to Mars (♂️) this can indicate that she needs to be very careful in professional partnerships as these can bring frustration and disappointment.



Voting for democracy
Voting for democracy

In my next post you can look forward to a brief summary of Kamala Harris’s chart.  

Interested in learning astrology? Let me know! or just write a comment below. Online beginners’ courses will start in late August/beginning of September. Participants will have the option to have their natal charts analyzed within the group should they choose to.


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