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Who is Kamala Harris? Part Two

(according to the astrology of her natal chart)

This is the second part of my analysis of Kamala Harris’s astrological natal chart. If you are interested in learning astrology basics or wish to learn about your own chart, sign up for my online beginners course. (See below.)

Having determined the chart positions of her Asc. and natal Sun we now look at any connections called aspects these points are making with other points in her chart. This post is about the Asc. or the ascendant or Rising Sign.

Harris’s Asc. is very close to her North Node (in the chart look for ☊). The North Node is not a planet, but a geographical point – it is a shadow or node of the Sun or Moon. In astrology the North Node speaks to that which comes naturally and indicates the type of energy a person needs to fulfill their life’s purpose.

When the energies of the Asc. and North Node merge it depicts a person who can embrace their destiny. This placement of the North Node is strong and encourages Harris to step out of her comfort zone giving her the confidence to confront any fears she may have. As these two points meet in Gemini excellent communication skills are emphasized.

The Asc. also forms positive aspects to her Sun, Moon and Saturn.

The Sun (☉) represents one’s conscious mind, self-realization, vitality. It shows what you are learning to be and the way in which you will make your mark on the world.

The Moon (☽) represents emotions and instincts – everything that is happening below the surface – the unconscious. The Moon will show what one really needs to feel safe and happy.

Saturn (♄), on the other hand, sets boundaries, although it is restrictive by nature, it also brings structure. It can represent time, responsibilities and commitments. Saturn usually shows what a person needs to learn in this lifetime.

Harris’s Sun together with her Asc. represent self-esteem, independence and making a good first impression. Such people may have the ability to manifest their dreams into reality.

The Moon is located at 27 degrees of Aries (♈) in her 11th House. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and as such represents beginnings. This sign works with passion and courage. The 11th House represents themes of joint projects, working in teams. It is also the House representing humanity and the dream of a better future. Combine these elements with Harris’s Asc. and we have a person who lives in the moment with great inner passion and who receives support from their friends and teammates. Harris’s emotional fulfillment comes through her activity in groups.

Finally, the Asc. forms a positive connection with Saturn at 28 degrees of Aquarius (♒) in her 9th House. Aquarius represents equality and the need to share knowledge, to promote individual freedom. Saturn rules Aquarius and this placement shows a person who can earn the respect of others and who is a loyal friend with a realistic approach to life. The 9th House is also about knowledge and the intellect suggesting Harris is respected for her knowledge and is not working for individual gain, but for group interests.

In my next post I’ll look at the planetary connections of Harris’s Sun.

Interested in learning astrology? Let me know! or just write a comment below. Online beginners’ courses will start in late August/beginning of September. Participants will have the option to have their natal charts analyzed within the group should they choose to.


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